How to Snap Back from a Creative Rut

There are days when you feel really offbeat and pumped up about creating a beautiful photograph that can almost be a spectacle in its own way. But then there are days when you feel you are stuck in a creative rut and cannot feel any motivational vibes to prod you further. Those are the tough times when you feel you’re going down the slump. You feel like you are almost unable to create anything appealing or inspiring enough to gather any acknowledgement.

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Creative Photographer for Your Wedding

7 May 2016Still Life

A wedding is one of the most special events in a person’s life. The beginning of your marriage – the promise of a new life interspersed with the need to preserve nuances of the old; extreme exhilaration mingled with excessive nervousness; joyous excitement with a tinge of the beautiful sadness of nostalgia.

Approaches To Follow For A Wedding And Pre Wedding Shoot

20 June 2017Still Life

Worried about how exactly your big day will ultimately be represented in your wedding album? Here are a few approaches that you could work with your photographer to recreate

Cameras Dont Make Photographs

12 January 2018Still Life

Many a person has come up to me to ask, what exactly does one need to hire a photographer for? Photographs depict what actually IS there, right? And the truth doesn’t change based on perception. So as long as I have a decent enough camera to work with, doesn’t the person behind the lens become immaterial?

Go Prismatic Photograph through lenses of a prism

16 March 2018Still Life

Have you ever wondered how much a hint of a rainbow or a dreamy reflection could add to a scene? Prisms, anyone?

Candid is the new eyecandy

8 May 2018Still Life

As you might have already noticed, candid styles of photography are becoming immensely popular. Be it general day-to-day photography or professional photography, candid is essentially becoming the eye candy for a lot of people and an inevitable choice for a lot of occasions, these days.